Sunday, June 8, 2008

CJ account

It's the end of the week and I got my website up! Thanks to Joomla. There are a few limitations of it, but I should be able to find some plug-ins that will help me work around it.
First of all, it doesn't have multiple categories. It does have this plugin called Virtuemart that will allow for multiple categories. I installed it on my localserver and it slowed down my Joomla admin a tad. I don't know if it's my computer, but I'm hesitating about installing Virtuemart on my webserver. I will eventually, but first I must decide between Virtuemart1.1 and Virtuemart1.0.
Second, it's not very SEO friendly. There are a few workarounds, but it's going to take some extra work.
Another thing, I didn't realize that Joomla 1.5 stable version was just released this past January (the Beta version in October 2006), so templates for Joomla!1.5 are still limited. I ended up just modifying the standard template myself.

I'm tempted to check out Drupal, but exploring that will delay my goal this week. Drupal will have to wait.

I submitted my website to Commission Junction and got approved for an account. Yay! I started working on putting links on my site, and I realized that I don't have a clue. Soo, I will be working on this for the next hour or two

My goal this week: Get my website up with working affiliate links and at least 2 landing pages =).

1 comment:

Brad said...

Wow... you're on the right track! Keep up the good work